During the BJP’s roadshow in Chandigarh on May 10, over 100 traffic violations were recorded, resulting in numerous challans issued by the traffic police. The event, held in support of BJP’s Lok Sabha nominee Sanjay Tandon, witnessed widespread disregard for traffic regulations. Violations included triple riding, helmetless two-wheeler riders, overloaded cars, wrong-way driving, and individuals sitting on top of vehicles, causing significant chaos and inconvenience to residents.
The roadshow began at the BJP office in Sector 33 and ended at the Exhibition Ground in Sector 34, covering several sectors in between. The police documented around 75 violations through handycam recordings, with additional infractions reported via social media and captured by CCTV cameras. The offenses cited included dangerous driving (Section 184), riding without helmets (Section 129), and wrong parking (Section 177) under the Motor Vehicle Act.
Approximately 500 vehicles participated in the roadshow, with supporters joining from various sectors. Many residents took to social media to report the violations, tagging the Chandigarh Traffic Police. Harman Sidhu, an NGO worker, highlighted multiple infractions in three separate posts, each resulting in a challan. The Chandigarh Traffic Police acknowledged these posts with responses indicating that action had been taken, providing violation IDs and challan numbers.
The roadshow faced significant backlash for the traffic disruptions it caused, prompting Manish Tewari, the INDIA bloc candidate, to organize a padayatra for filing his nomination papers on May 15. When asked about the police action, Sanjay Tandon refrained from commenting, while SSP (traffic) Sumer Pratap Singh was unavailable for remarks despite repeated attempts.
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