DayChange | Petrol-0.26 | Diesel-0.29 | CNG |
Today | 94.46 | 87.54 | NA |
10 Feb | 94.72 | 87.83 | NA |
09 Feb | 94.66 | 87.76 | NA |
08 Feb | 94.53 | 87.62 | NA |
07 Feb | 94.46 | 87.54 | NA |
06 Feb | 94.63 | 87.73 | NA |
05 Feb | 94.63 | 87.73 | NA |
04 Feb | 94.7 | 87.81 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
The city of Deoria is located in Uttar Pradesh. If you live in this area, work in the area, or if you run a business here, it would help you to know the fuel prices in Deoria. Rising fuel prices have a great impact on individuals and business alike. So keeping a track of petrol prices in Deoria along with diesel and CNG prices will help you plan your finances better. Continue reading to learn about the petrol price in Deoria today.
The petrol price in Deoria today stands at INR 94.46 per litre. Compared to yesterday, the petrol price has remained stable in Deoria
The diesel price in Deoria is currently INR 87.54 per litre.
In the last 10 days, the lowest rate of diesel in Deoria was INR 89.54 per litre. The city sold diesel at this price for 2 days. INR 89.90 per litre was the most expensive diesel rate recorded in Deoria in the past 10 days. The diesel rate spike remained for 3 days in the city before going down.
The price you pay for petrol, diesel or CNG at the station is influenced by many factors. There was a time when petrol prices were stable for days. The price would change only two times a month. But the current fuels have dynamic pricing, which fluctuates every single day.
The actual cost of fuel is usually half of what you pay. Many components go into making the RSP (Retail Selling Price) of Petrol. These components are –
Crude oil cost – Weather conditions, seasonal variations, global reserves/supplies, currency exchange rate and more influence the cost of crude oil.
Cost of Refinery – The process of converting unrefined fuel into usable fuel.
The profit margins of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs).
State Value Added Tax (VAT).
Excise Duty levied by the Centre.
The commission charged by the dealer.
By adding all these components up, you get the RSP of petrol – the price you pay at the station.
To check the petrol price in Deoria, download the Park+ app. In fact, Park+ tells you the latest price of diesel and CNG as well. No matter where you are, as long you have a smartphone and internet connection, you can check fuel prices easily. The app has a notification feature that automatically shows you the latest fuel price. You do not even have to open the app to check fuel prices.
The fuel prices in Deoria are relatively cheaper in comparison to other Uttar Pradesh cities. Ballia has the highest petrol price today. The city with the lowest rate of petrol in Uttar Pradesh is Jhansi. Speaking of diesel, the city of Ballia again tops the list with the highest diesel price. The city of Jhansi has the lowest diesel price in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The fuel prices vary from state to state due to different VAT rates. However, today the difference in fuel prices between states is quite a lot, also considering the varying fuel consumption levels between them. The Indian state which currently has the highest average petrol price is Andhra Pradesh. Uttarakhand currently has the cheapest petrol in India. When it comes to the highest diesel price, Andhra Pradesh takes the prize once again.