The old setup used an analog POS device for ticketing. Tickets were issued at the entry and parking charges were taken at the time of exit based on the duration of stay. The device workedoffline - there was no way to retrieve old data for audits and planning. There were boom barriersfor access control but they were operated manually. The boom barrier set up was also offline and therefore no records of entries and exits were kept. Handwritten passes were issued for regular users. This data was never entered into an online database for tracking.
Passes could only be issued on site.
Park+ proposed a cloud based solution to completely eliminate the chances of manual error and pilferage. Digital POS devices with SIM cards were provided for ticketing and these were integrated with the existing barriers at the site by installing controllers. The barriers now function in sync with the POS machine’s commands. All entries and exits are now recorded on the cloud and the data is accessible to the contractor via the dashboard. Monthly passes are issued through the POS machine. All entries and exits of monthly pass holders are also recorded via the POS. The site is also listed on the Park+ platform. This allows users to discover it while searching for parking spaces and book their slots online.
The contractor can access reports around entries, exits and collections in real time via the online dashboard. The collection reports are detailed and give a break up of transactions by type - regular exits, pass holder transactions, online bookings and free transactions (if any). Pass creation is also done via the dashboard. This allows the contractor to fix the pricing of passes centrally. The contractor may choose to make multiple pass options available. These templates are visible on the POS and the Park+ app. The operator needs to issue passes from among the options visible to him on the POS only. Customers can view passes on the Park+ app and purchase or renew them on their own.
We were facing problems of low collection from the site. Some people would leave without paying as our barriers were not working. Moreover, we felt that there may be some pilferage happening. There was no way to get site data in real time. Monthly passes were only maintained on registers and there was no way to know when a pass expired. The Park+ parking solution has helped to increase collections, manage monthly passes, maintain detailed reports and have real time control on site collection. Park+ also drives extra traffic through their app and business tie-ups with electric vehicle companies.