DayChange | Petrol0 | Diesel0 | CNG |
Today | 105.41 | 92.24 | NA |
12 Jan | 105.41 | 92.24 | NA |
11 Jan | 105.65 | 92.46 | NA |
10 Jan | 105.41 | 92.24 | NA |
09 Jan | 105.65 | 92.46 | NA |
08 Jan | 105.42 | 92.25 | NA |
07 Jan | 105.42 | 92.25 | NA |
06 Jan | 105.42 | 92.25 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
Are you planning to travel to Munger? Then one of the important details you should be aware of is the price of petrol and diesel in the city. Since the fuel prices change every day, knowing the accurate rates is essential for planning and budgeting your trip.
The price of petrol and diesel in Munger are fluctuating more and more as the cost of crude oil rises in the international market.
Here, we will walk you through the current petrol and diesel prices in Munger along with the reasons behind these fluctuations. Read on!
Today, a litre of petrol costs INR 105.41 in Munger. The current price of gasoline in Munger reflects the national trend of rising gas prices.
In Munger, a litre of diesel now costs INR 92.24. State taxes are included in the cost of both gasoline and diesel.
The growing cost of fuel and diesel is having an effect on Indian enterprises across all industries. There are multiple internal and external reasons that result in fuel price fluctuations in Munger. In this section, we will talk about the most common ones:
International crude oil prices: India, the third-largest oil economy on the planet, is significantly dependent on crude oil to foster aspirations and growth. India uses roughly 211.6 million tons of gasoline per year. Less than 35 million tons of this are made in India. Among other nations, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, and the United States supply India with oil. About 85% of India's imports are foreign, which has a major impact on fuel prices there.
Taxes charged by the governments: Since India imports a large about of crude oil from foreign nations, the central government of India levies heavy excise duty on crude oil. Additionally, every state charges its own VAT tax on petrol and diesel products. Some levy high VAT tax and some states levy low tax. This is why you see a change in the price of petrol in different cities of the country.
The exchange rate between the US dollar and Indian Rupee: The increase in petrol and diesel price in Munger is also because of this reason. The weakening of the Indian rupee against the dollar makes crude oil more expensive for India, leading to increasing prices.
Refinery Charges: Crude oil needs to be refined and turned into petrol and diesel. This refining process is conducted by various oil refineries situated across the country. Since these refineries employ a large number of equipment, technology, and people they spend significant money on the entire process too. Thus, the refinery charges are also added to the final sales prices
Freight Charges and dealer's commission: The charges for transporting petroleum products from refineries to the nearest hub or transport centre are also added to the final petrol prices. Further, the dealer also charges a certain amount of money for transporting the finished petroleum product from the refineries to the place of consumption.
Tracking the current prices of petrol and diesel in Munger can be complicated if you do not have the right tool. Fortunately, we have the right solution for you. Download and install the Park+ app or the fuel price indicator on the Park+ website to keep track of the daily diesel and gasoline prices in Munger.
It is a user-friendly application that will help you stay updated with all the recent changes in fuel prices. Simply enter the name of your city or district, and you will have all the details at your fingertips.
You should regularly check the petrol price in Munger as a daily commuter to ensure accurate information. If you refresh your knowledge of gasoline prices, you will be able to budget effectively.
You do, without a doubt. It is advised to be aware of the cost of gasoline and diesel even if you travel by bus or auto. It's because pricing fluctuations also have an impact on how much public transportation fares vary. For instance, the bus fare from Munger to other locations today will depend on the diesel price in Munger today.
Munger's fuel costs, including those for gasoline and diesel, are rising along with those around the nation. The degree of growth varies from day to day. The typical Indian is finding life more challenging as a result of the rise in fuel prices, but the trend does not appear to be abating anytime soon.