DayChange | Petrol0.03 | Diesel0.03 | CNG |
Today | 106.98 | 93.73 | NA |
25 Jan | 106.95 | 93.7 | NA |
24 Jan | 106.38 | 93.17 | NA |
23 Jan | 106.85 | 93.61 | NA |
22 Jan | 106.98 | 93.73 | NA |
21 Jan | 106.46 | 93.24 | NA |
20 Jan | 106.46 | 93.24 | NA |
19 Jan | 106.98 | 93.73 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
The volatility of petrol prices in Gopalganj has increased as crude oil prices have shown an upward trend. It is essential to verify the current cost of gas in Gopalganj, particularly if you are planning a long trip. Remember that gas and diesel costs change every day. Read on to know all about the current fuel prices in Gopalganj.
Today's Petrol Price in Gopalganj is INR 106.98 for a liter.
In addition to the decline of the rupee versus the dollar, gasoline costs in Gopalganj have increased. In the following days, it is anticipated that the government would lower excise taxes so that prices may become more affordable.
Today's diesel price in Gopalganj is INR 93.73 for a liter. Both petrol and diesel prices include state taxes.
There are several ways in which a rise or fall in petrol and diesel prices affect your household budget in this economy. Some of these are directly felt y you others have an indirect impact on you and your family.
In the past few days, despite the government's consideration of countermeasures, fuel prices have risen. There have been several demonstrations in a variety of states and on significant social media sites. The never-ending argument about what the authorities can do to reduce high fuel prices has kept social media buzzing, but no tangible answer has yet been implemented.
The persistent increase in the price of gasoline is terrible news for consumers, since a number of other goods may also see price increases. In addition, there is a possibility that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India would increase lending rates, so boosting the interest rates on loans.
The immediate effect of higher diesel and gasoline prices is an increase in monthly fuel expenditures for the same amount of travel. According to back-of-the-envelope estimates, a person traveling 700 km per month in Gopalganj might face an increase in her monthly fuel costs. It may revolve around Rs1,250 for a petrol vehicle and Rs1,000 for a diesel car. Unfortunately, you have little control over this expense.
If a person is used to driving to work and her monthly expense has increased by Rs2,000, they are unlikely to convert to public transportation. Weekend driving is the only item that can be curtailed to some degree.
A protracted period of high gasoline costs may drive families to reallocate resources. If you must raise the price of gasoline by a particular level, either you will save less or you will have to reduce other costs. If the increased costs persist for an extended period, it might impact the demand for other goods or limit savings.
As a result of record-high fuel prices, the cost of carrying products throughout the nation increases. Consequently, the cost of important commodities such as fruits and vegetables and other things rise.
If the increased price persists for an extended period, it will have an economic impact. They can absorb it to a certain level, but not continuously. This time, gasoline and diesel prices have increased significantly at the retail level.
Eventually, a rise in inflation may prompt the Reserve Bank of India to consider raising interest rates. Therefore, everyone considering a loan will be impacted. On the plus side, increased interest rates will help savers.
This is yet another indirect effect of high crude oil prices. "As crude oil prices rise, pressure is immediately exerted on the external account, the (cost of) imports increases, the deficit rises, and the rupee is under pressure. Therefore, the declining currency rate will begin to have an impact for those who want to travel or study outside India. India's exchange rate has been solid thus far, but it has begun to depreciate as oil prices have risen. This will also affect people who do business in foreign currencies.
As the government has few tools to avoid retail gasoline price increases if crude oil prices continue to climb and the rupee continues to devalue. It is best to prepare for the effect and restructure your budget.
Planning a long road trip with rising prices can be a tedious task. But you can check the petrol and diesel prices in the comfort of your home too! You can download the Park+ app from the play store and find out the fuel prices in your city.
Oil marketing corporations, such as the state-owned Indian Oil, examine the rates of petrol price in Gopalganj every day at 6 a.m. After this, they forward the changes to all the fuel pumps.
Oil firms modify the prices of gasoline and diesel on a daily basis. It depends on the average price of a benchmark fuel on the worldwide market over the previous 15 days and the foreign currency rate.
Brent Crude oil, the most frequently used international benchmark, has increased by 36 percent to more than $70 a barrel this year. This has led to a rise in retail gasoline prices.
Fuel costs vary from state to state based on the prevalence of local levies such as value-added tax and freight fees. The state with the highest value-added tax (VAT) on gasoline in India is Rajasthan, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.