DayChange | Petrol-0.24 | Diesel-0.24 | CNG |
Today | 95.26 | 88.11 | NA |
13 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
12 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
11 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
10 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
09 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
08 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
07 Mar | 95.5 | 88.35 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
Faridabad is a city located in the state of Haryana and is the most populated city in the state. The city is located close to Chandigarh and is also considered a satellite city around New Delhi. Faridabad was included in the smart cities mission by the Government of India. One of the fastest growing cities in the world, Faridabad is a major industrial hub of the state. If you live in this city or are planning a visit to Faridabad, it would help a great deal to know the fuel prices.
The petrol price in Faridabad today is Rs. 97.49/liter and has remained steady for the past two days. The petrol price in Faridabad today is inclusive of taxes levied by the state such as VAT. Petrol prices are also inclusive of excise duties levied by the Central Government.
The price of fuel, both petrol and diesel can vary between cities in the same state. This is why the petrol price in Faridabad is different from the petrol price in Noida or Ghaziabad. The petrol price in Faridabad differs from other cities in the state based on tax differentials, different petrol pump retail prices and more.
The diesel price in Faridabad is less than the petrol price in Faridabad. The diesel price in Faridabad today is Rs. 90.11 per liter. Diesel prices in general have always been lower than petrol prices in the country which is why the diesel price in Faridabad is less expensive than petrol. The reason for lower diesel prices is due to:
Diesel being used by farmers; therefore attracts lower taxes
Diesel being used by transport fleet operators; therefore attracts lower taxes
Fuel prices across the country fluctuate based on several factors. These include the following
Demand and Supply forces in the market
Inland Freight Cost
International Crude Oil Price
Valuation of Dollar and Rupees
Taxes and Subsidies
Global Conditions
Supply Chain Issues
The price of petrol in the Noida today is Rs. 96. 79 per liter. The price of petrol in Ghaziabad, a major Uttar Pradesh city today is Rs. 96.58 /liter.
Park + app provides an easy method for you to check latest fuel prices pan-India. Just log in to the Park + app, type city name in the search bar and voila: you will find the most up to date prices updated daily. Park + App also provides users updates regarding:
Fuel fluctuation Comparisons
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FASTag Transaction history, etc.
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India imports more than 4/5th of crude oil and is therefore impacted by changed in international prices significantly.
The price of diesel and petrol in the country is determined by Oil Marketing companies such as Hindustan Petroleum and Indian Oil which are state owned. India imports oil from OPEC countries; the base price of petrol and diesel is set by the Centre. Post that, other components such as freight charge, VAT, dealer commission, excise duty etc are added to the final price. Fuel prices are regulated by the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
The difference in fuel prices between states is due to difference in VAT. Some states have higher VAT on fuel and some lower.