DayChange | Petrol0.89 | Diesel0.8 | CNG |
14 Mar | 104.83 | 90.54 | NA |
Today | 103.94 | 89.74 | NA |
12 Mar | 103.94 | 89.74 | NA |
11 Mar | 103.68 | 89.49 | NA |
10 Mar | 103.94 | 89.74 | NA |
09 Mar | 104.88 | 90.58 | NA |
08 Mar | 105.68 | 91.31 | NA |
07 Mar | 103.94 | 89.74 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
Located in the upland territory of eastern Karnataka, Chitradurga is popular for its natural scenic beauty. Due to its stunning historical sites, the Chandravalli caves, etc, Chitradurga has also become a popular tourist destination. Not only this, but it is also witnessing rapid industrial and business development. The city is known for, Chitradurga is known for its cotton pressing and ginning. The city also has a massive renewable energy project which uses wind energy to generate power.
With the growing number of industries and increasing population, the number of vehicle owners also increasing. Thus, fuel prices are an important factor that affects the economy of the city. Since the prices of petrol and diesel change every day, it is important to stay aware of the fluctuations.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the current fuel prices in Chitradurga and the factors that influence the prices. Whether you are a resident of Chitradurga or just visiting, we will provide you with valuable information to help you make informed decisions about fuel purchases.
The petrol price in Chitradurga today is INR 104.83 per litre. T
The diesel price in Chitradurga today is INR 90.54 per litre.
Before petrol or diesel reaches the station, many costs are added to them. Without these additional costs, you would be paying half of what you usually end up paying. Here are the various things which add to the RSP (Retail Selling Price) of fuel in India –
VAT (Value Added Tax) – This falls under state jurisdiction. So, the VAT rate is decided by the state government and will be different from place to place.
Excise duty – The central government collects excise duty on petrol and diesel. So the amount of excise is universal across all states.
Commission of the dealer – Dealers transport the fuel from the supply station to the retail pumps. Therefore, their commission will depend on the distance.
Profit Margin – The Oil Marketing Companies (OMC) that promote the fuel have their profit margin. That is also added to the final fuel cost.
Crude oil cost – The cost of crude oil fluctuates every day due to many unstable factors. These include demand, weather conditions, global reserves, etc.
Get the Park+ app on your phone to receive the latest fuel price updates. Not only will the app tell you today’s fuel price, but it will also let you compare previous fuel rates. Apart from fuel rates, Park+ has many features to offer. It includes the latest information on new car launches, parking facilities in many Indian cities, instant online payment of toll tax on the road, and hiring services to clean and maintain your car.
The Park+ app provides an easy way to stay abreast with the latest petrol price in Chitradurga. Its scope is not limited to the city only but expands to all Indian states. If you plan to travel to another city, Park+ will update you with the most recent fuel prices. The app is convenient to use with easy access as long as you have an internet connection and a smartphone.
The rate of petrol in Chitradurga is relatively high in comparison to other cities in Karnataka. Even the price of diesel is much higher in Chitradurga than in other Karnataka cities. The city with the cheapest petrol in the state is Dakshin Kannad. Bellary is the city with the most expensive petrol. Dakshin Kannad also has the cheapest diesel. Bellary also happens to have the highest diesel price in the state.
Today, the metro city with the cheapest petrol price in India is Delhi. The reason for cheaper fuel rates in Delhi boils down to less VAT levied by the Delhi government. Mumbai has the highest petrol price. Delhi also has the lowest diesel price among the big metropolitan cities. Mumbai has the most expensive diesel in the metropolitan cadre. The government of Maharashtra levies a much higher VAT compared to other states in the country.