DayChange | Petrol0.03 | Diesel0.03 | CNG |
Today | 106.94 | 92.28 | NA |
21 Jan | 106.91 | 92.25 | NA |
20 Jan | 106.94 | 92.28 | NA |
19 Jan | 106.81 | 92.16 | NA |
18 Jan | 106.94 | 92.28 | NA |
17 Jan | 106.91 | 92.25 | NA |
16 Jan | 106.91 | 92.25 | NA |
15 Jan | 106.94 | 92.28 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
Petrol prices in Bhind (Madhya Pradesh) have shot up by approximately 20-25% in the last year. The prices of fuel in Bhind are decided post considering many factors. An important factor impacting the petrol price in Bhind is crude oil which is exported from foreign countries. After the crude oil is exported, it is refined and then transported to the area of sale. Thus, the cost of all these processes is also added to the final prices of petrol and diesel in Bhind.
Additionally, taxes are also imposed by the Government, which varies between regions and states. Furthermore, demand and supply and market competition add to these factors. All these together impact the price of fuel on any day. Other factors include natural disasters, geopolitical events, etc., which lead to fluctuation in prices.
If you live in Bhind, having knowledge about the accurate prices in the city is essential. It helps you plan your budget accordingly and manage your finances. Read this article till the end to find out more about diesel and petrol prices in Bhind.
The Petrol price in Bhind today is around the rate of Rs.106.94 for a litre.
Price Trend of Petrol - December 2022:
Talking about the petrol price trend in Bhind, we can see that the petrol price in Bhind was Rs 109.18 for a litre at the beginning of December. This shows a 0.13 percent hike from last month's close (Rs 109.04 a litre). In December, petrol in Bhind has seen a high price of Rs.109.18 (a 0.44 percent hike) between the 1st to the 10th of December.
The Diesel price in Bhind today is around Rs. 92.28 a litre. T
Price Trend of Diesel - December 2022:
Now that we have talked about the petrol price trend in Bhind, let's have a look at the changes in the diesel prices in the city. The Diesel price in Bhind was around Rs 94.39 a litre at the beginning of December. This means the prices were hiked by 0.14 percent from the close of last month (Rs 94.26 a litre). In December, diesel in Bhind has seen a high price of Rs.94.39, (a 0.47 percent hike) between the 1st to the 10th of December.
There has been a steady rise in fuel prices in Bhind over the last few years. Petrol, Diesel, as well as CNG prices, have risen significantly, making commutation an expensive affair for people. The rise in these prices has not just affected the people, but also the local economy. People are finding it tough to meet their commutation requirements and necessities.
The main reason behind this hike in fuel prices in Bhind is the increased demand for petroleum products globally. With the rapid industrialization of many countries, the demand for fuel is growing rapidly. However, the supply is limited. Since meeting the ever-increasing demand is becoming difficult, it results in fuel price hikes. Another important aspect is that Bhind is situated in an area that has limited access to oil reserves. This makes sourcing petrol and diesel all the more difficult.
The high prices in fuel are affecting Bhind’s agricultural industry too, leaving farmers in a tough spot. Though measures like subsidies and fuel discounts are being offered, the price hike issue needs a lot more!
To get regular updates on changes in fuel prices in your city, you need a single application and that is the Park+ App. It gives you all the data you need on vehicles, RTOs, fuel prices, etc. Another way would be accessing the Park+ website to procure information. This ensures you don’t waste your time hunting for correct fuel prices on various websites.
Ans: Yes. A lot of discounts are offered on the petrol price in Bhind. Some of these consist of senior citizen discounts, and student discounts, and you can also become a member of some loyalty programs. The government also offers subsidies on petrol in Bhind. These subsidies aim to make sure that petrol is affordable to all.
Ans: In Bhind or any other city/state, fuel prices get revised every month, and mostly daily. Be sure to check the prices before you go on a long trip.
Ans: Few factors affect fuel prices in India. They are global oil prices, the cost that goes into refining the oil, the cost that goes into transporting the oil, demand and supply, commission to dealers, and state taxes.