DayChange | Petrol-0.02 | Diesel-0.02 | CNG |
Today | 101.59 | 93.17 | NA |
15 Mar | 101.61 | 93.19 | NA |
14 Mar | 101.59 | 93.17 | NA |
13 Mar | 102.09 | 93.64 | NA |
12 Mar | 101.59 | 93.17 | NA |
11 Mar | 101.97 | 93.53 | NA |
10 Mar | 101.59 | 93.17 | NA |
09 Mar | 101.59 | 93.17 | NA |
Note : there may be slight variations in prices across outlets within a city
The city of Bhadrak has a rich historic past. Freedom fighters sacrificed themselves for the nation here in places like Gohiratikiri, Rakta Tritha Earm and Sahidnagar. Devotees and pilgrims will be delighted to visit Bhadrak as it has the famous Babaakhandalamani Temple and Bhadrakali Temple.
Are you interested in knowing the petrol price in Bhadrak? Here we tell you the petrol price in Bhadrak today. Additionally, you will also learn the perfect way to find out future fuel prices in the city.
The petrol price in Bhadrak today is INR 101.59 per litre. This price has remained stable in the last 10 days. Since, the price of petrol was the same yesterday, there has been no increase or decrease in the rate. The lowest petrol price in the last 10 days has been INR 101.59 per litre. For 2 days in the last 10 days, the price of petrol rose to INR 102.09 per litre.
Overall, the price of petrol in the city of Bhadrak has been stable in the past 10 days.
The diesel price in Bhadrak today is INR 93.17 per litre. This price has been stable in the past 10 days. Since, the rate of diesel was the same a day before, there has been no change in the price. The cheapest diesel price in the past 10 days has been INR 93.17 per litre. For 1 day in the past 10 days, the price of diesel increased to INR 93.64 per litre. This price prevailed for only 1 day.
On average, the price of diesel in the city of Bhadrak has not changed much in the last 10 days.
There are two things to consider when calculating the price of fuel – influencing factors and cost additions.
Many factors ranging from crude oil prices to geopolitics, influence the price of petrol and diesel. This is particularly true for the global crude oil rate, which changes daily. As a result, the price you pay for petrol or diesel also changes on a daily basis.
Here are the most influential factors which affect fuel rate –
Demand and Supply of Crude Oil – OPEC countries (short for “Organisation of petroleum exporting countries”) sell crude oil to other nations. In essence, these countries set the price for crude oil that other countries buy. Factors like political instability and inflation in these countries directly impact the crude oil supply. This is why the rate of crude oil changes frequently.
Natural Phenomenon – Ships transport crude oil all over the world. Bad weather can delay transportation or, worse, damage a vessel. Even natural calamities can break the supply chain. This has a direct effect on the price of petrol and diesel.
Crude Oil Reserves – Due to the above-mentioned factors, most buyer countries keep a crude oil reserve. They do not refine it immediately for consumption. Governments release this oil if the supply chain breaks down or experiences a delay.
Next, many taxes and charges are added to the final fuel price. These additions include –
Excise Duty – The Central government charges this tax on any good sold or purchased in the country.
VAT – The State governments charge Value Added Tax (VAT) at every step of production.
Freight Costs – India relies heavily on OPEC countries for oil. In fact, we import 76 percent of our oil from outside. Every time India imports oil, it has to pay freight charges.
Download the Park+ app to view the fuel rates in your town or city. The app delivers trustworthy data on fuel prices right to your smartphone. In addition to this, Park+ offers many services like paying toll quickly at the toll plaza, checking the status of your eChallan, and more.
The Park+ app is the best source to find out the petrol price in Bhadrak. You can even compare the latest petrol and diesel rates with past prices. This will enable you to plan your budget well. Park+ is very simple to use, making it appropriate for the less tech-savvy older generations. By changing your settings you can view daily fuel rates in your notifications. You don’t even have to open the app every time to know the price of fuel in your city.
The price of petrol and diesel in Bhadrak is average when compared to other Odisha cities and districts. Jagatsinghpur is the town with the cheapest petrol price in the state today. The city with the highest petrol price in Odisha is Malkangiri. Jagatsinghpur also happens to be the town with the least expensive diesel today. Malkangiri has the most expensive diesel. In comparison to other cities and towns, the fuel rates in Malkangiri are significantly higher.
The state with the cheapest petrol in India is Uttarakhand. Ever since cess was removed by the government in 2017, the fuel rates in Uttarakhand have been less. Andhra Pradesh has the highest petrol price in the country. This is mainly due to excess VAT that the government of Andhra Pradesh levies. As a result, the diesel price in Andhra Pradesh is the highest in India today. Himachal Pradesh has the least expensive diesel in the country.