World’s largest carmaker’s sales down at World’s largest car market

The world’s largest carmaker, Toyota witnesses a global sales down by 7% in the world’s largest car market, China for February. Although Toyota's sales increased by 16% and 14% in the US and Europe, respectively, the company's overall sales decreased by 7%, mostly because of difficult market circumstances in China. The main cause that could be attributed to this fall is the Lunar New Year holidays and a slump in Japan after a safety test scandal at its small car unit.

Overall, The largest auto market in the world, China, saw a 36% decline in sales. The week-long Lunar New Year holiday fell in January 2024, whereas this time it happened in February 2023.

Are there any other reasons as well?

Toyota had a difficult February due to several circumstances, including a noteworthy 36% reduction in China when compared to the same period in 2023. The corporation experienced challenges not only in China but also in Japan, where revenues fell by a third. Furthermore, markets like as Thailand and Indonesia saw double-digit decreases, which had an additional effect on Toyota's worldwide sales performance.

As far as China is concerned A harsh price war is also raging in China's auto industry, and Toyota said that this intense competition was affecting sales. According to data from an auto industry group, the sales decline in China for January and February combined was a much milder 0.7%, though that was still less than a 6.4% increase in passenger car sales sector-wide.

Sales Data of other countries

Toyota's sales fell by a third in Japan in February, despite a 16% increase in the US and a 14% increase in Europe. Even though Daihatsu brand vehicles are not included in Toyota's global sales total, domestic sales were negatively impacted by interruptions in production at Daihatsu, which also produces certain Toyota brand automobiles, as well as the scandal's image impact. The small-car unit claimed to have falsified collision safety tests about a year ago. Double-digit declines were also observed in Toyota's sales in Thailand and Indonesia.

The largest automaker in the world sold nearly two-fifths of petrol-electric hybrid cars in February. Cars sold under the upscale Lexus brand and the Toyota brand are included in the global sales data. According to independent data, Daihatsu's global sales fell 66% in February. Toyota produced 737,178 fewer cars globally in February, a 2.6% decrease.

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