In a harrowing incident that unfolded on Tuesday, a moving vehicle erupted into flames on the National Highway in Assam's Karimganj district, sending shockwaves through the region. The terrifying episode took place on NH 8 near Kathalathali in Sonakhira, Patharkandi, leaving locals in a state of panic.
According to reports, the distressing ordeal began when a Maruti van travelling along the highway suddenly caught fire during the night. Fortunately, the driver narrowly escaped harm, evacuating the vehicle before the flames fully consumed it. Eyewitnesses recounted the frantic efforts of bystanders who attempted to douse the flames, while authorities were swiftly alerted.
Despite the prompt response, including calls to both the police and fire department, the inferno raged uncontrollably, devouring the vehicle before help could arrive. Initial investigations suggest that the fire likely originated from a short circuit within the vehicle, though a comprehensive inquiry is underway to ascertain the exact cause.
The incident has reignited concerns regarding road safety and vehicle maintenance, prompting authorities to emphasise the importance of preventive measures and adherence to safety protocols among motorists. As investigations continue, locals remain shaken by the terrifying spectacle and express hope for enhanced safety measures along the highways to prevent such tragedies.
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