Complete Guide to Get a Driving Licence for Physically Disabled Person

Complete Guide to Get a Driving Licence for Physically Disabled Person

Majority of us have a strong desire to drive and ride. This is especially crucial for the physically challenged, because driving is one of the only places where there is no difference in movement between physically challenged and an able-bodied person. Everywhere else, because they need crutches, walkers, and wheelchairs. Their movement is limited by the flexibility of these walking aids.

As a result, a physically challenged person's ability to drive is more critical than anyone else's. If you are physically challenged, owning and operating a car in this city is not easy. Due to a slew of government orders, the regulations and their understanding have just recently been defined. So I'll provide you all the information you need to own and operate a car if you're physically challenged.

Process of Identifying the Car and Required Documents

Zero-in on a Car

Let's look at the documents that one needs before approaching the RTO-

Vehicle Acquisition

Modification and Registration

Applying for Learner's Licence

Applying for Permanent Licence


The above procedure is not applicable in certain disabilities, which have been excluded. Please find them below - Blind people. - Deaf people. - People with mental health issues. - People with motor control issues. I hope the above information will be beneficial for the targeted audience.

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