How to Save Money on Challan Penalties in Goa and Nagaland

Goa and Nagaland are two states that attract many tourists every year. Both states offer scenic views, rich culture, and delicious cuisine. But they also have something else in common: challan penalties.

Challan penalties are the fines that you have to pay if you break the traffic rules in these states. However, challan penalties are not uniform across India. Goa and Nagaland have different rates and reasons for imposing challan penalties on traffic offenders.

What are Challan Penalties?

Challan penalties are the fines that are levied by the authorities for violating traffic laws. They are also known as e-challans, as they are issued electronically through cameras, sensors, or mobile apps. Challan penalties are meant to deter people from breaking traffic rules and ensure road safety. Here, we will explore the differences between challan penalties in Goa and Nagaland and what they mean for you.

Challan penalties in Goa

The e-challan payment in Goa is designed to make roads safer by penalising traffic violators. Its a form of ticketing that works on a ticket basis, where offenders are issued a challan according to the offence and an accompanying set amount of fine. The e-challan helps make the process completely cashless and paperless.

The challan rates in Goa vary depending on the type and severity of the offence. Some of the common offences and their fines are:

To pay the e-challan in Goa, one can use online platforms such as Park+ or Parivahan website. Alternatively, one can also visit any traffic police station or designated bank branch with the challan and the required documents.

Challan penalties in Nagaland

Nagaland traffic e-challan status is a digital system that allows the traffic police to issue challans electronically and track their status online. It also enables the public to check their challan status and pay their fines online using various modes of payment.

The challan rates in Nagaland are based on the New Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2019, which has increased the penalties for various traffic offences significantly.

Some of the common offences and their fines are:

To pay the e-challan in Nagaland, one can use online platforms such as Park+ or Parivahan. Alternatively, one can also visit any traffic police station with the challan and the required documents.

Tips to avoid challans

The best way to avoid challans is to follow the traffic rules and regulations diligently and responsibly. However, some tips that can help you avoid challans are:

By following these tips, you can not only avoid challans but also ensure your safety and that of others on the road.


Challan penalties are an important tool to enforce traffic discipline and reduce road accidents in India. However, they differ from state to state and can be quite hefty if not paid on time.

Therefore, it is advisable to compare the challan penalties in Goa and Nagaland before travelling to these states and pay them online or offline as soon as possible if you receive one. Moreover, it is always better to abide by traffic rules and regulations and drive safely and responsibly.

Make Park+ your Partner

To know more about traffic challan and penalties in different states of India, you can follow Park+. Park+ provides the latest updates on challan penalties and helps you check your challans.

The Park+ app also offers other services such as checking your vehicle details, parking history, fuel prices and more. You can also know fuel prices in different states and learn all about car insurance and trading. You can download the Park+ app to learn more.