Challan Penalties in Andhra Pradesh & Uttarakhand: All Need to Know

Are you aware of the differences in challan penalties between Andhra Pradesh and Uttarakhand? Understanding the variations is crucial, as it can directly impact you.

Both Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh have implemented penalties for traffic violations to maintain road safety and discourage reckless behaviour. People in both states need to be aware of these penalties to ensure compliance with traffic rules and regulations.

The following are examples of common traffic violations and their corresponding penalties in Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh:

Road Usage Violations

Andhra Pradesh

Uttarakhand Road

Distracted and Impaired Driving

Andhra Pradesh


Licensing and Insurance Compliance

Andhra Pradesh


Safety Equipment Violations and Passenger Limit

Andhra Pradesh


Highlights Of Specific Penalties Unique To Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh

While there are similarities in the penalties for various traffic violations between Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh, there are also certain differences that make each state's penalty structure unique. For instance:

Andhra Pradesh


These variations in penalties between Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh highlight the differences in their approach to traffic regulation and the emphasis they place on specific violations.


Understanding the differences in challan penalties between Andhra Pradesh and Uttarakhand is essential to ensure compliance with the law and avoid unnecessary fines.

By downloading the Park+ app, you can stay updated on the latest traffic and parking regulations, penalties, track your challan status, and much more. Stay informed and make informed choices.