How to Make Your Car More Eco-Friendly

According to a study, when it comes to India's overall greenhouse gas emissions, the transport sector accounts for about 8%. This number is higher than 30% in Delhi. While the race is towards more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable vehicles, there are a lot of things which you can do from your end to contribute to a cleaner environment, especially when it comes to your car. Remember each contribution matters, howsoever small it is. Hence we are here to guide you about the best tips to Make your eco-friendly drive.

List of Points to Make Your Car Eco-Friendly

1. Be careful on the road

You might not be aware that speeding uses up fuel quickly. Hence, the best strategy to lower your car's greenhouse gas emissions is to drive slowly and gently. You may reduce your fuel usage by about 15% to 30% at highways by eliminating speeding, quick acceleration, and braking. Plus it is an addition as your auto insurance premiums may go down as you drive safely.

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2. Respect the speed limit

Fuel efficiency significantly declines at speeds greater than fifty miles per hour. For every 5 mph over 50 mph, you have to pay an additional amount (depending on country to country, car model to model) for each litre of fuel. By reducing your speed on the roadways, you may benefit the environment, your pocketbook, and your safety. Tips to make your car eco-friendly list is not complete without the mention of this.

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3. Cruise Control

If you're on a plain road, keep your speed down and save fuel by using cruise control. Make sure the weather is favourable for you to utilise this function and there is regular but not too much traffic around you before you set your cruise control.

4. Make a more informed decision

If you are looking to purchase a new car, a fuel-efficient cars model doesn't have to be an electric or hybrid. Still concerned about being environmentally conscious? Stay away from big SUVs, vans, and mini-trucks if there is no need to necessarily buy them . Vehicles are said to be fuel-efficient if they achieve 30 km per litre of fuel or better.

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5. Exercise caution when refuelling your vehicle

Avoid overfilling the fuel tank beyond the automatic shutoff point, as this additional fuel can lead to the release of harmful vapours from the tank and force liquid gasoline into the emissions control canister. Furthermore, ensure that the fuel cap is securely tightened after refuelling to prevent the escape of vapour emissions. This is one of the Best Tips to Make your eco-friendly drive

6. Limit AC usage

You don't need to run your car's air conditioning at maximum capacity all the time. You can consider other options to limit its usage. While it's crucial to keep vulnerable passengers like children, the elderly, and pets safe from excessive heat, there are alternatives to cranking up the AC. Installing window tints, which can block up to 78% of the sun's radiation, or employing DIY cooling techniques can help reduce the need for constant air conditioning. However, it's still important to remember that hot cars pose a danger to certain occupants.

7. Get regular maintenance

Getting regular maintenance on your car can help you get an increase in your mileage by 4%. This can also find big problems early with regular upkeep. Fixing problems with the engine can save 40% on petrol. The amount of repair your car needs will depend on how many miles you drive, but you should have it checked out at least once or twice a year.

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8. Regularly Maintaining your Radiator

Keeping your car from overheating and ensuring proper engine cooling relies heavily on maintaining the radiator, a crucial component of the cooling system. Get the radiator flushed and filled annually, and always keep the coolant topped up and the cap secured tightly to ensure maximum radiator efficiency. A well-maintained radiator is another of the best tips to make your eco-friendly drive, to prevent engine overheating and other related issues.

9. Adequate Tyre Pressure

One of the simplest things you can do to improve fuel efficiency is to check the pressure in your tyres on a regular basis. Your engine will have to work harder to get the tyres moving if you don't keep them inflated to the recommended pressure. Every day, underinflated tyres waste more than four million gallons of petrol. Make sure your tyres are properly inflated at least once every month.

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10. Air Filters

You can change your car's air filters yourself without having to visit a repair shop. In a very similar fashion to your home's air conditioning system, your vehicle's air filters need regular replacement to maintain optimal efficiency. The good news is that replacing these filters is a straightforward process involving just a few simple steps you can complete on your own. Ensuring fresh air filters allows your car to run at its maximum potential. This is a crucial one in the list of tips to make your car eco friendly.

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Ultimately, driving less frequently is the best way to minimise your car's environmental impact. Revamping your commute by carpooling, utilising public transportation, or telecommuting can significantly reduce your carbon emissions. By adopting these eco-friendly practices, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable future. Stay tuned with Park+ for more such content on new cars.

Vipul Verma

SEO Assistant Manager & Car Enthusiast

Meet Vipul Verma, our talented SEO Assistant Manager and Car Enthusiast. With a passion for automobiles that knows no bounds, Vipul finds joy in exploring the world of cars and related vehicles. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and a keen interest in the automotive industry, Vipul excels in creating captivating content about cars. Vipul's enthusiasm for all things automotive shines through in every piece of writing. As an SEO Assistant Manager, Vipul combines expertise with creativity, ensuring that the content not only informs but also engages readers. Whether it's discussing the latest car models, exploring innovative technologies, or sharing valuable maintenance tips, Vipul's articles are a treasure trove for fellow car enthusiasts and those seeking reliable information about vehicles.