The Economics Behind High Fuel Prices in Arunachal Pradesh

The prices of fuel, particularly petrol, vary across different states in India, including Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal. Several factors contribute to the differences in fuel prices between these two states. Understanding these factors is crucial in comprehending why fuel prices may be higher in Arunachal Pradesh compared to West Bengal. In this article, we will delve into the factors affecting fuel prices in these regions, including international oil prices, exchange rates, refining costs, and taxes and duties imposed by the Indian government.

Arunachal's Rising Fuel Prices:

Factors Affecting Fuel Prices in Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal:

  1. International Oil Prices: International oil prices play a significant role in determining the cost of crude oil, which is the primary component of petrol. Various factors, such as global supply and demand, geopolitical tensions, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, influence these prices. Fluctuations in international oil prices can have a direct impact on the retail prices of fuel in different regions. If international oil prices increase, it can lead to higher fuel costs in both Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal.

  2. Exchange Rate: The exchange rate between the Indian Rupee and the US Dollar also affects the cost of importing oil into India, which, in turn, influences fuel prices. Since oil is primarily priced in US dollars, a weaker Indian Rupee against the US Dollar can result in higher costs for importing oil. This depreciation of the Rupee increases the overall expenses involved in procuring oil, leading to higher fuel prices for consumers. Therefore, if the exchange rate is unfavourable, it can contribute to the higher fuel prices observed in Arunachal Pradesh compared to West Bengal.

  3. Refining Costs: Refining costs are another crucial factor in determining fuel prices. These costs include the expenses associated with converting crude oil into gasoline through the refining process. Changes in the cost of raw materials, labour, and energy can directly impact the overall refining costs. If the refining costs increase, it can result in higher fuel prices at the pump. It is important to note that refining costs can vary between regions, which may contribute to the disparities in fuel prices between Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal.

  4. Taxes and Duties: Taxes and duties imposed by the Indian government have a significant impact on the retail price of fuel. These taxes and duties account for over 50% of the overall price of gasoline. The government levies these charges to generate revenue for funding public services and infrastructure projects. The taxation policy for fuel can differ among states, leading to varying prices across regions. Higher tax rates can contribute to the relatively higher fuel prices observed in Arunachal Pradesh compared to West Bengal. It is essential to consider that reducing or altering taxes on fuel involves complex considerations, as it affects government revenue and financial obligations.

The Impact of Infrastructure Development:

Outlook for the Future:


Understanding the factors influencing fuel prices in Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal sheds light on the disparities between the two regions. While high petrol prices pose challenges for citizens, the government's focus on infrastructure development and the exploration of domestic oil production offer hope for a more stable and affordable fuel market in the future.

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