Exploring the Assam-Jharkhand Fuel Price

Are you puzzled by the varying fuel prices between Assam and Jharkhand? Get ready to uncover the reasons behind this price discrepancy. Discover the factors, including tax rates and other contributing elements that contribute to Assam's higher fuel prices compared to Jharkhand.

Why Assam fuel price is high compared to Jharkhand

Read on to gain valuable insights about the dynamics at play to unravel the mystery behind these variations.

Tax Rates: The Key Determinant



In both states, the tax rates significantly impact the final price paid by consumers for fuel. Higher tax rates translate into higher fuel prices, making it costlier for individuals to fill up their tanks in Assam compared to Jharkhand.

Factors Influencing Fuel Prices

Fuel prices are influenced by various factors, including geographic location, infrastructure and refining capacity, and government policies. These factors impact transportation costs, production capabilities, and taxes, which ultimately affect the prices consumers pay at the pump.

Geographic Location: The Role of Distance

Infrastructure and Refining Capacity: Meeting Demand

Government Policies: Regulation and Taxes

Understanding these influences helps us comprehend the complexities of fuel pricing and the reasons behind state-to-state variations.

Market Dynamics: Demand and Supply

Analysing the market dynamics of fuel pricing in Assam and Jharkhand sheds light on the factors that influence consumer demand and the supply chain, ultimately affecting fuel prices in these regions.

By understanding the interplay between consumer demand and supply chain factors, you can unravel the market dynamics that contribute to the disparity in fuel prices between Assam and Jharkhand. This knowledge empowers consumers to make informed decisions in a complex fuel market.


Tax rates significantly impact fuel prices in Assam and Jharkhand, with Assam having higher rates than Jharkhand. However, understanding the factors that influence fuel prices goes beyond tax rates alone.

Geographic location, infrastructure, and refining capacity, as well as government policies also contribute to the price disparities. By recognising these influences, we can gain insights into the complexities of fuel pricing and the reasons behind state-to-state variations.

To stay informed about the latest fuel prices, download the Park+ app. With real-time fuel price updates and convenient payment options, Park+ empowers you to make informed decisions and fuel up for your journey efficiently. Get the Park+ app today and experience a seamless and convenient way to access fuel-related information, as well as other car-related services like FASTag recharge, car wash booking and more.