The Importance Of Car Insurance For Your Nissan Vehicle

Are you looking to get your Nissan car insured? While you might not be keen on paying money for a comprehensive car insurance policy every year, it'd be well worth it.

Failing to get sufficient car insurance coverage for your Nissan vehicle can be a loss. All it takes is a single accident or disaster, and you might find yourself with a destroyed vehicle and no reimbursement.

8 reasons why car insurance is important

The Motor Vehicles Act already requires you to have a third-party liability motor insurance cover at the very least. This is to safeguard the interests of third parties involved in an accident with your vehicle. A car insurance policy for your Nissan also works in your favour. Here are the 8 reasons why you need car insurance for your Nissan car.

1. It is required by law

As mentioned earlier, getting your car insured is a legal requirement. Buying car insurance isn't an option - driving the vehicle in public spaces is mandatory. The third-party liability insurance required by the law covers injuries or property damage caused to third parties. Driving around in an uninsured vehicle can land you in serious legal trouble.

2. Coverage for theft and vandalism

Imagine finding out that your Nissan has been stolen or vandalized by miscreants. Besides the obvious frustration and emotional stress, such an incident also translates into a huge financial loss. This is exactly when comprehensive car insurance comes in handy. The car insurance policy covers you financially for the vandalism or theft of your vehicle.

3. Medical cost coverage

Today healthcare is costly. Injuries sustained in a car accident can weigh heavily on your finances. Even a basic third-party liability car insurance policy can potentially save you a lot of money. It covers medical expenses for injured third parties. A more comprehensive insurance plan pays for the medical costs of the driver and the passengers.

4. Personal accident cover

Car accidents can wreak havoc on households by permanently disabling or killing the primary bread owner. In such scenarios, the personal insurance cover included in the policyholder's car insurance proves to be of great help.

Under a personal accident cover, the insurance company will pay you a pre-determined amount. In the event of the policyholder's unfortunate demise, the insurer will compensate the family.

5. Supplementing your health insurance

Speaking of covering medical expenses, have you wondered what happens if you have a health insurance policy as well as comprehensive car insurance? In this case, the latter can somewhat offset your medical bills. This also potentially allows you to obtain a no-claim bonus on your health insurance. A car insurance policy may also cover injuries not covered under a regular health insurance policy, such as dental injuries.

6. Reduced hassles

Worried that having to deal with your car insurance company following an accident would be a hassle? On the contrary, your insurer can save you a lot of trouble by dealing with other associated drivers and property owners. Any good insurance company will handle the whole process on your behalf.

As for your concern about the hassle of managing your car insurance, it's actually quite seamless. You may easily buy/renew your car insurance or file an insurance claim online without dealing with a lot of paperwork.

7. Protection against "acts of god"

There's little you can do against natural disasters and poor weather conditions. This is commonly known as "acts of god" by insurance companies. A comprehensive car insurance policy for your Nissan also covers damages or total loss of the vehicle in the event of such disasters.

8. Protecting your assets

Tremendous legal and financial liabilities often follow car accidents. Without a good car insurance policy, you may be forced to pay for damages and third-party medical bills out of your pocket.

Failure to bear the expenses can potentially lead to your assets being seized by court order. Especially if you have a lot to lose in such situations, invest in a car insurance policy with higher liability coverage.


Getting the bare minimum when buying car insurance for your Nissan simply isn't enough. Your insurance plays a vital role in safeguarding your assets and finances in case of an accident. Not having a comprehensive car insurance policy puts you at a high risk of facing hefty out-of-pocket expenses.

You may easily explore different car insurance options on the Park+ website and weigh your options before purchasing your insurance. You can also download the Park+ app for all your car-related needs.