CPA in Car Insurance

This policy covers accidental death or disability while operating the insured vehicle for the owner & driver of the vehicle. If your car insurance policy does not include this coverage or you own many vehicles, you can purchase the standalone CPA. Two-wheelers (bikes and scooters), private vehicles, commercial and fleet taxis, as well as commercial vehicles, can be included under it.

Importance of the CPA Cover in Car Insurance

Compulsory Personal Accident (CPA) cover is a type of insurance policy that provides financial compensation in case of death or disability resulting from an accident. It is important because:

No one can predict these mishappenings, nor can they be avoided. CPA in car insurance helps the insured vehicle's owner and its driver. It is crucial for providing them with the most needed financial support in the event of an accident.

Which Benefits are Covered in CPA for Car Insurance?

The insurance policy covers an insured individual who passes away or becomes permanently disabled while riding in an insured vehicle. Here are the benefits covered under CPA:

Conditions to Claim CPA

Although not very strict, you need to meet certain conditions to claim CPA. Here is all that you need to know about it:


Compulsory Personal Accident (CPA) cover is an important aspect of car insurance. It provides coverage for injuries or death to the owner or driver of the insured vehicle in case of an accident. CPA cover can be a helpful addition to your car insurance policy, especially if you or your family members frequently travel by car. It is essential to understand the terms and conditions of your CPA cover to ensure that you are eligible to claim the benefits in case of an unfortunate event. Always check the coverage amount and policy terms before purchasing car insurance to ensure that you have adequate protection. To read more about car insurance you can download the Park+ app, and access various Park+ services for car owners.