Latest Advancements in Rolls Royce

Rolls-Royce is known for its luxurious and stunning cars. These are elegant and give the owner an experience of royalty. However, while Rolls Royce is all about design and comfort, these are not its only selling point.

Rolls Royce is also known to have the most advanced technologies in its features that elevate the car's game even further. Let us have a look into the latest technology in Rolls Royce and what you need to know about these beauties.

Below we discuss all the latest technologies that you will get as a part of your Rolls Royce experience.

Why Does Rolls-Royce Focus on Technology?

Technology is leading everything today. Even though the British automobile company has been around for over 100 years, it continues to serve its customers the best they can get. Everyone at Rolls-Royce is currently focusing on three trends of technology—Digitalization, Sustainability, and Electrification.

But why does an automobile brand like Rolls-Royce need to focus on technology? Well, the answer is simple— to avoid competition.

Hence, keeping up with technology by inspiring greatness has always been the ultimate pursuit of Rolls-Royce since its inception.

What are the Latest Technologies in Rolls Royce?

Rolls-Royce has always been pushing the boundary of automobile innovation. Let us look at some of the latest technologies that you should know about!

1. Eleanor

Rolls-Royce has had a spirit of artificial intelligence for a long time now. However, with their Rolls-Royce 103EX, they are taking a step further. Eleanor is proudly the artificial intelligence that will be deployed in Rolls-Royce 103EX.

Its purpose will be to understand you completely and provide the comfort of driving like never before. Eleanor will supposedly make the upcoming Rolls-Royce cars autonomous and self-aware.

2. Heads-Up Display (HUD)

A lot can happen between the driver looking at their display screen and watching out the road. That is why Rolls Royce has introduced Heads-Up Display (HUD) that projects essential information for the driver right onto their dashboard.

The HUD used by Rolls Royce is a transparent display mounted right on the dashboard for the driver. It is named so because a driver can sit upright with their heads up and still get information like speed and navigation.

3. Rolls Royce Emergency Assistance

The next big thing about the safety features Rolls Royce owners can boast about is their emergency assistance. Your Rolls Royce can automatically send an SOS signal to the emergency services if it feels the need for the same.

It can happen in two ways-

4. Satellite Aided Transmission (SAT)

Rolls Royce has also started deploying satellite-aided transmissions or SAT in their cars now. It means that your car can shift gears automatically according to the GPS signals they receive through the satellite.

Moreover, your Rolls Royce will also gather data from its GPS about the traffic conditions and change the gears accordingly.

5. Rolls Royce Teleservices

It is not uncommon for car owners to forget about the upcoming service dates of their cars. Thankfully, Rolls Royce has completely diminished that problem. Their teleservices keep a check on the important details about your car, like the oil volume, service requirements, and battery recharging.

If the closest dealer of Rolls Royce is intimidated about any aspect of your car, they will reach out to you. You can then update them about a possible date when you can send your Rolls Royce in for servicing.


Rolls Royce is regularly updating the technology that can make your experience with them unmatched. While they have already deployed various automobile technologies that their rivals are nowhere close to, they do not want to stop. Their models, like Rolls Royce 103 EX, are all set to bring the far future close.

If you want to learn more about Rolls Royce cars, visit the Park+ website. Park+ is your friend on the road and can provide you with much helpful information on your car and parking spots around you. You can also download the Park+ app to unlock more features.