Parallel Parking, what is it and how you can master it?

The ability to parallel park is regarded as one of the most difficult abilities for new drivers to master. Compared to forward parking, parallel parking enables a vehicle to fit into a smaller area.

When parked parallel to the curb, cars are arranged in a single line, with the front bumpers of each vehicle facing the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of it. Driving in reverse into the parking place is required for parallel parking.

How to Parallel Park: Simple Steps

Normally, it is not possible to go forward into a parking space on the side of a road until two subsequent parking spaces are vacant. By using the parallel parking approach, one can utilise a single space that is only slightly larger than the vehicle.

Following are the steps for parallel parking:

All Done

You should be a little closer and more confident about tackling parallel parking after going through the above steps. But locating a parallel parking location may also be a burden and a headache for many, just as parallel parking is. But you know what can make it easy? Park+!

With its car parking services, you don't have to worry about not finding a parking spot or wasting your precious time. You can not only locate a parking spot quickly, but you can also reserve or book your spot ahead of time. Park+ also offers monthly parking passes.

You can access all of this and more by just downloading the Park+ app.