Essential Tips for Safe and Secure Parking


Theft of four-wheelers has seen a rise in the last few years in India. With the increasing number of car thefts and damages, you must take appropriate measures to park your car safely. Understanding where and how to park is vital to ensuring your car's safety. Let's explore more about it in this guide.

Choose the right spot

To ensure the safety of your parked vehicle, it is important to choose a well-lit area that doesn't make you feel uneasy or vulnerable. Take note of any potential hazards in the vicinity and opt for a parking lot or garage with ample lighting.

Aside from lighting, it is beneficial to park in a location that is somewhat populated, with pedestrian traffic passing by. This increases the visibility of your car, making it more likely that any suspicious activity will be reported.

Be sure to obey all posted signs, particularly those indicating no parking zones, to avoid any potential issues. Whenever possible, park in a designated parking area and position your car in a way that allows security cameras to capture multiple angles.

Parking Safely

Make sure to enter the parking area slowly. Do not rush into it, and keep a check on the pedestrians or other cars nearby. Do not focus on anything other than parking safely. Many times, people start using their phones or tending to their families and end up getting their car bumped. Make sure your undivided attention goes into parking your car.

Do not pick a spot that is too congested. Always look for spacious spots so that you can park in and out of them easily without damaging other vehicles parked alongside them. Make sure you are at least 4 ft away from other cars on both sides.

Always turn on the indicator while parking. This will let others know that you are moving your car in or out and that they need to be careful.

When parking at an angle, use your car's safety brake. This will prevent your car from slipping off the platform. For better traction, it is important to turn the wheels diagonally.

Double Check Your Belongings

After parking your vehicle securely, it is crucial to inspect the interior for any valuable items that may have been forgotten. Ensure that you retrieve them before leaving, as leaving items such as watches, laptops, phones, or money in the car can attract unwanted attention and potential theft.

It is advisable to avoid storing such items in your car altogether to mitigate the risk of theft.


Securing a safe parking spot is essential for ensuring the safety of your vehicle, but with increasing urbanization and crowded streets, finding a suitable location can be challenging. Fortunately, with Park+, you can quickly and easily locate secure parking with just a few clicks.

By using the Park+ app or visiting the PARK+ website, you can effortlessly park at verified safe locations, providing you with peace of mind knowing your car is protected.