What is Lane Keep Assist?

Lane keeping assistance (LKA) systems monitor the position of the vehicle with respect to the lane boundary and apply torque to the steering wheel, or pressure to the brakes, when a lane departure is about to occur.

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This is part of the second wave of active safety measures using cutting-edge technology such as on-board sensors, radar, cameras, GPS and lasers that is being fitted to passenger cars. Active safety technology can prevent accidents from happening altogether or at least actively help the driver to reduce the impact of an emergency situation. Active systems give the driver more control in dangerous situations. To that end, various safety systems constantly monitor the performance and surroundings of a vehicle.

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Simply put, active safety systems avoid or mitigate an accident pre-impact so before it happens or contact is made

This technology is getting more vital as our roads improve, and the amount of cars on the road increase. Also, it is a very critical bit of technology to have considering our shortening attention spans.

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