Understanding the Contrasts: Challan Payments in Goa vs Karnataka

Vehicle challan payments through cash or online are common methods of paying for traffic offences in India. However, there are certain differences in the specific procedures and guidelines followed by different states. In this article, you can explore the differences between challan payments in Goa and Karnataka.

By understanding these distinctions, individuals and businesses can navigate the challan payment system effectively in each state and ensure compliance with the rules and regulations.

Standard Documents

Before you decide to drive in Goa or Karnataka, ensure that you carry the following documents -

Difference between challan penalties

Goa and Karnataka follow similar concepts of challan payments. However, there are some differences in the specific procedures and guidelines. Read below to learn more about the challan system in Goa and Karnataka.

Failing to use a seatbelt in Goa attracts a penalty of Rs 1,000, while the same offence in Karnataka attracts a penalty of Rs 500.

Driving in Goa without a valid licence attracts a penalty of Rs 1,500. Whereas, in Karnataka, the penalty varies as per the vehicle category - Rs 1,000 for two and three-wheelers, Rs 2,000 for four-wheelers and light motor vehicles (LMV), and Rs 5,000 for the rest of the vehicles.

Overspeeding in Goa attracts a fine of Rs 1,500 and can also result in impounding of driving licence for repeat offenders. Overspeeding in Karnataka attracts a fine of Rs 1,000 for two-wheelers, three-wheeler, four-wheelers, and LMVs. All other types of vehicles attract a penalty of Rs 2,000.

First-time offenders in Goa driving without valid insurance will attract a penalty of Rs 2,000, while repeat offenders will be penalised Rs 4,000. On the other hand, driving without insurance in Karnataka attracts a penalty of Rs 1,000.

Drunk driving in Goa attracts a penalty of Rs 10,000 or six months jail imprisonment for a first offence, while repeat offenders will have to pay a penalty of Rs 15,000 or two years imprisonment for a second offence. A similar penalty is applicable in the state of Karnataka as well.

Using a mobile phone while driving in Goa attracts a penalty of Rs 3,000 for a first offence, while a repeat offence attracts a penalty of Rs 10,000. In Karnataka, two-wheeler and three-wheeler attract a penalty of Rs 1,500, LMVs attract Rs 3,000, while the rest attract a penalty of Rs 5,000.

Blocking the passage of emergency vehicles in Goa attracts a penalty of Rs 10,000, while vehicles in Karnataka attract a penalty of Rs 1,000.

The first-time offenders in Goa attract a penalty of Rs 3,000, while repeat offenders attract a penalty of Rs 6,000. On the other hand, driving an unregistered vehicle in Karnataka attracts Rs 2,000 for two and three-wheeler, Rs 3,000 for four-wheelers, and LMVs, and Rs 5,000 for the rest.

Stay Ahead With Park+

In modern times where time is of the essence, we often tend to miss out on important details. However, missing challan payments can lead to some serious consequences. Hence, we must not miss out on paying challans at the time. Although, the best practice would be to not break traffic rules at all.

Meanwhile, the Park+ app will help you with all challan payments. Apart from this, car users can also use Park+ for the following -

You can download the Park+ app on both Android and iOS platforms. The vehicle users can avail of all of the above-mentioned features with just a tap of a button on their smartphone, all while seated in their comfort zone.