Odisha Challan Status and Online e-Challan Payment

Odisha Challan Status Online

You can check your Odisha traffic police e-challan status via the Park+ website or the e-challan Parivahan website, as accessing the Parivahan Odisha portal might be tricky.

Check your challan status with Park+,

In two simple steps, use the Park+ App to find out the status of your challan:

  • On the Park+ App, look for the Odisha e-challan.

  • Enter your car number to see the status of your challan.

To check the status of your challan, go to the official website of the Government of India, Parivahan:

  • Go to the Parivahan e-challan website.

  • Enter your Challan/Vehicle/Driving License number here.

  • Your challans will be listed here.

  • To find out the status of one, click on it.

How do I pay an Odisha traffic police e-challan?

An e-challan issued by the Odisha traffic police can be paid both online and offline.

Online payment of a traffic e-challan:

There are two options for paying challan in Odisha online: the e-challan Parivahan website, and the e-Vahan Odisha official website, since mparivahan challan payment can be a time-consuming process.

Through the Parivahan Website

You can also pay for an e-challan using the Government of India's official e-challan website, Parivahan.

  • Go to the Parivahan e-challan website.

  • Enter your Challan/Vehicle/Driving License number here.

  • After that, enter the Captcha code and click 'Get Details.'

  • The details of your violation as well as the penalty you must pay will be displayed on the screen.

  • Continue with the payment.

  • Finally, you will receive a confirmation SMS alert with your transaction ID.

Pay e-challan through the Parivahan website

  • Login to the Parivahan e-challan website.

  • Enter your Challan/Vehicle/Driving License number here.

  • After that, enter the Captcha code and click 'Get Details.'

  • The screen will reveal the specifics of your infraction as well as the penalty you must pay.

  • Proceed with the payment.

  • Finally, you will receive a confirmation SMS alert with your transaction ID.

Paying Odisha traffic e-challan offline

  • While it is preferable to pay your e-challan online, you may also pay it offline:

  • Bring a physical copy of your Odisha traffic infraction certificate to the nearest traffic police station in your city.

  • Speak with the traffic officer about any existing challans and pay them in cash.

These are the details about challans through Park+ and the official parivahan nigam portal. You can also check and pay the challan through the government official portal and offline method. Park+ provides a convenient and simplified mode to check the status with a hassle-free and intuitive application.