Kerala and Meghalaya Ends Up Paying Different Rates of Challan Penalty

Do you know what one means by a challan? You must pay a penalty if you do not follow the traffic norms. There was a time when the challan was set up manually. However, times have changed, and now there is an E Challan. This helps one maintain transparency and pay the rates easily.

One big reason people often end up paying a hefty fine is that it encourages them to be more responsible and ultimately decreases the number of accidents on the road.

Interestingly, the rates of these fines can vary between different states, primarily because each state government has its policies in place.

Challan Rates in Kerala

The traffic rules of every state are set up quite stringent, and this is done to avoid any accidents. However, if you bypass any of these rules, you must pay a " challan " fine. This fine amount is payable in rupees.

Challan Rates in Meghalaya

Like Kerala, Meghalaya is also strict about the traffic rules. The government issues a challan to keep the rules in check. You can find the payable challan amounts for some serious traffic offences here. All of these amounts are to be paid in rupees.


Being a responsible citizen and following the traffic rules is important for you and others. Even if you incur any challan due to mistakes, timely payment is essential. You can check your challan amount using the Park+ app. Moreover, it offers a one-stop solution for parking reservations, tracking challan payments, FASTag recharge, and much more.

Download the Park+ app to check pending traffic penalties against your vehicle. Stop wasting your energy searching for parking spaces; try out Park+ now and discover how it can streamline your everyday car needs!