How Challan Penalties Vary in Maharashtra and Manipur

Have you ever been caught by the traffic police for breaking a traffic rule? If yes, then you must have received a challan. But did you know that the amount and mode of payment of challan vary from state to state in India? Here, we will compare and contrast the challan penalties in Maharashtra and Manipur and learn how to avoid them.

What are Challan Penalties?

E-challans are the digital tickets the traffic cops give you when you break the law. You can get them for all kinds of things, like driving too fast, not buckling up, running red lights, and so on.

E-challans make it easier and faster to issue and pay fines, but they also make it harder to get away from breaking the rules. And trust us; you do not want to get a lot of E-challans because they can cost you a lot of money and hassle. They can also make your driving record look bad and raise your insurance rates.

So, do yourself a favour and follow the traffic law. But, if you end up with an E-challan, pay it off as soon as possible to avoid any trouble. And keep an eye out for any changes in the traffic rules so you do not get caught off guard.

Challans in Maharashtra

If you do not follow the traffic rules in Maharashtra, you might end up paying a hefty fine. The state has imposed strict penalties for various road safety violations to deter people from breaking the law and causing accidents.

Here are some of the fines you can get in Maharashtra for traffic offences:

Challans in Manipur

You must be careful; when you drive in Manipur because the state too has hefty fines for traffic violations. The state wants to make sure that people follow the traffic rules and don't cause any accidents on the road.

Here are some of the fines you can get in Manipur for breaking the traffic rules:

Remember that these penalties can increase or your license can be suspended if you repeat the same offence within three years. So, it's best to pay your E-challans within 60 days of getting them in Maharashtra and Manipur to avoid any extra charges or legal problems from the government.

Paying an E-challan


Traffic violations can come with a hefty price tag! We looked at the challan fines in Maharashtra and Manipur and saw that they follow different strategies for traffic enforcement. But both states share a common objective: To improve road safety and reduce traffic violations.

Download the Park+ app and enter your vehicle number to view your challan details now! The app also offers services such as car parking assistance, FASTag recharge, car insurance, fuel prices, and more. You can also check challan information on the Park+ website. It is easy and hassle-free offering you access to a range of different services.