Differences Between Tripura And Gujarat Traffic Challan Penalties 2023

As a responsible car owner, it is crucial to be aware of the traffic challan penalties in your state. Each region in India may have different fine rates for traffic violations, and understanding these differences can help you drive safely and avoid hefty fines.

In this article, we will compare the traffic challan penalties in Gujarat and Tripura, shedding light on the variations in fines imposed for common offences. Whether you reside in Gujarat or Tripura, knowing the specific rules and penalties in your state is essential.

Gujarat Traffic Challan Penalties

To ensure smooth traffic operations in the state, the Gujarat traffic department has implemented strict rules and hefty fines for rule offenders. Let's take a look at the revised Gujarat traffic challan rates list for 2023:

  1. Driving without a seat belt: 500

  2. Triple riding on a two-wheeler: 100

  3. Driving without a helmet: 500

  4. Carrying excess luggage:

  5. 5,000 and 1,000 per tonne excess load

  6. Driving without a number plate:

  7. 1,000 (2-wheelers)

  8. 2,000 (3-wheelers)

  9. 3,000 (LMV)

  10. 4,000 (HMV)

  11. Parking in a "no parking zone":

  12. 500 for the first offence

  13. 1,000 for second or subsequent offences

  14. Minor driving a vehicle:

  15. 25,000 along with a prison sentence of 3 years

  16. Deregistration of the vehicle for 1 year

  17. The minor is ineligible for acquiring a driving license before the age of 25.

  18. Disobeying traffic signals:

  19. 1,000 to 5,000 and/or 6 months to 1 year in prison

  20. License seizure

  21. Dangerous/rash driving: 1,000

  22. Using a mobile phone while driving:

  23. 500 for the first offence

  24. 1,000 for second or subsequent offences

  25. Drunken driving:

  26. 10,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment

  27. 15,000 and/or 2 years in jail for repetitive violations

  28. Driving a vehicle without registration:

  29. 1,000 (2-wheelers)

  30. 2,000 (3-wheelers)

  31. 3,000 (LMV)

  32. Driving an uninsured vehicle:

  33. 2,000 for the first offence

  34. 4,000 for second or subsequent offences

  35. Violation of road regulations:

  36. 1,000 to 5,000 and/or 6 months to 1 year in prison

  37. License seizure

  38. Over-speeding:

  39. 1,500 (2-3 wheelers)

Tripura Traffic Challan Penalties

In Tripura, the traffic challan penalties are also enforced rigorously to ensure road safety and discipline. Let's take a look at the Tripura traffic challan rates list for 2023:

  1. Driving without a seat belt: 1,000

  2. Triple riding on a two-wheeler: 300

  3. Driving without a helmet: 1,000

  4. Carrying excess luggage: 500

  5. Driving without a number plate: 300

  6. Parking in a "no parking zone": 500

  7. Minor driving a vehicle: 10,000

  8. Disobeying traffic signals: 500

  9. Dangerous/rash driving: 1,000

  10. Using a mobile phone while driving: 500

  11. Drunken driving:10,000

  12. Driving a vehicle without registration: 500

  13. Driving an uninsured vehicle: 1,000

  14. Violation of road regulations: 500

  15. Over-speeding: 1,000

Consequences of Not Paying Traffic Challans

Both Gujarat and Tripura have stringent consequences for not paying traffic challans within the specified time. Here are some repercussions you may face in case you violate laws:


Understanding the traffic challan penalties in your state is crucial for safe and responsible driving. Both Gujarat and Tripura have implemented strict rules and fines to ensure road safety. Make sure to abide by the traffic regulations and pay your challans on time to avoid any legal consequences.

Download the Park+ app to check your challan status, make hassle-free payments, and access other convenient car-related services, such as car insurance. Drive safely and contribute to making the roads safer for everyone.

Park+ app also offers other services such as checking your vehicle details, parking history, fuel prices and more. It is easy and hassle-free. Additionally, you can visit the Park+ website for more information