Decoding Challan Penalties: Maharashtra vs. Punjab

As responsible drivers, we often encounter challans, those blue and white slips that remind us of the consequences of flouting traffic rules. But how do these penalties differ across Indian states?

In Maharashtra, a bustling hub of urban life and automotive culture, hefty fines are imposed for overspeeding, red light violations, and improper parking. On the other hand, Punjab takes a unique approach, focusing on traffic education and awareness programs. Here, penalties are combined with counselling sessions to rectify driving misdemeanours.

Whether you're a commuter or simply curious, this exploration unveils the intriguing differences in challan penalties between Maharashtra and Punjab.

Traffic Challan Penalties in Maharashtra and Punjab

Gain insights into the diverse enforcement practices across our nation's corners and navigate the consequences effectively. If you find yourself facing a traffic violation in Maharashtra or Punjab, here are the essential points to consider:

Fine Structure


The Motor Vehicle Act governs the fine structure in Maharashtra. The fines are categorised based on the severity of the offence, such as overspeeding, jumping signals, or driving under the influence of alcohol. The penalties range from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees.

Here are some examples of fines in Maharashtra:


The Punjab Traffic Rules and Regulations determine the fines in Punjab. The fines are divided into different categories, including speeding, not wearing a seat belt, or using a mobile phone while driving. The penalties vary in amount, typically ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand rupees.

Here are some examples of fines in Punjab:

Demerit Point System


Maharashtra follows a demerit point system for traffic violations. If you accumulate a certain number of demerit points within a specific period, your driving license may be suspended or cancelled. Different offences carry different demerit points, and repeated violations can lead to harsher penalties.

Here is the demerit point system in Maharashtra:


Punjab does not currently have a demerit point system in place for traffic violations. Penalties are primarily based on fines rather than accumulating points.

Traffic Violation Detection


Maharashtra utilises various traffic surveillance systems, including CCTV cameras, speed cameras, and red light cameras, to detect traffic violations. Automated systems capture violations, and e-challans are issued to offenders. The challans can be paid online or at designated centres.


Punjab also employs traffic surveillance systems to monitor violations. However, the detection methods may vary, including manual enforcement by traffic police officers. Challans can be paid online or at specified locations.

Being aware of the differences in challan penalties between Maharashtra and Punjab can help you better comprehend the consequences of traffic violations in each state. Remember to adhere to traffic rules and regulations to ensure your safety and that of others on the road. Stay informed and stay responsible while driving.

Final Thoughts

We have explored the key differences between challan penalties in Maharashtra and Punjab. Understanding these variations is crucial to ensure compliance with traffic regulations and avoid unnecessary fines.

Whether you are a resident or a visitor in either state, staying informed about the specific challan penalties will help you navigate the roads responsibly. To simplify your parking and traffic-related experiences, we recommend using Park+.

With Park+, you can conveniently check challan status, check your penalties, and receive timely updates on any changes in regulations. To get started, visit the Park+ website or download the Park+ app.

Stay informed, stay compliant, and make your journey hassle-free with Park+.