Decoding Challan Penalties: Kerala vs West Bengal

Are you a car owner in India seeking clarity on challan penalties? Understanding the differences in challan penalties across states is essential to avoid legal hassles.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into an interesting comparison between Kerala and West Bengal. We will be shedding light on the specific penalties enforced in each state.

As a responsible car owner, staying informed about the traffic rules and regulations in your state is crucial. The consequences of violating challan penalties can range from hefty fines to potential license suspensions.

Challan Penalties in Kerala Vs West Bengal

Challan penalties, commonly known as traffic fines, are imposed on individuals who violate traffic rules and regulations. Let's delve into the specifics of Kerala and West Bengal challan penalties and pave the way for a safer and smoother driving experience.

Driving Without a Helmet

Failure to Produce a Driving License

Use of Mobile Phone while Driving

Driving Without a Seatbelt


Disobeying Traffic Signals


medium passenger goods vehicle, the charges can go up to ?2,000.

Triple-Riding on 2 Wheelers

Learning to Drive Without Displaying L Plates


Understanding the differences in challan penalties between Kerala and West Bengal is crucial for car owners in these states.

Both states have subtle differences regarding the regulations and challan penalties related to driving licenses, use of mobile phones and overloading. The other rules and regulations pertaining to road safety and the safety of drivers almost remain the same.

To stay informed and updated on challan penalties and access a range of convenient car-related services, we recommend downloading the Park+ App.

With this app, you can easily check your challan status, avail of car parking assistance, track traffic challans, recharge your FASTag, and even explore used car trading options.