Challan Penalties in Bihar vs. Uttar Pradesh: Know the Difference

Are you aware of the significant differences in challan penalties between Bihar and Uttar Pradesh?

Understanding the specific penalties in each state is crucial for every driver. Ignorance about the consequences can lead to unnecessary violations and financial implications. However, when well-informed, you can ensure compliance with the law and avoid these penalties.

This article will explore the variations in challan penalties between Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. We will highlight the specific fines and regulations for common traffic violations. So, let's dive in and equip ourselves with the knowledge required to drive safely and responsibly in these states.

Challan Penalties in Bihar

In Bihar, awareness of common traffic violations is essential to maintain road safety. Some frequent offences include overspeeding, disregarding traffic signals, driving without valid licenses or vehicle documents, and not wearing a helmet/seat belt. These rules aim to ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.

When you know and adhere to these regulations, you prevent penalties and promote a secure driving environment. So, let's check the challan penalty rate for 20 offenses to stay informed and drive responsibly on the road.

  1. Driving without a seat belt/helmet: Rs. 1000

  2. Driving without a number plate:

  1. Minor driving vehicle: Rs. 25,000

  2. Dangerous/rash driving:

  1. Drunk and drive: Rs. 10,000

  2. Driving uninsured vehicle: Rs. 2000

  3. Over-speeding:

  1. Blocking passage of emergency vehicles: Rs. 10,000

  2. Racing:

  1. Driving a vehicle registered in another state for more than 12 months:
  1. Driving without a valid driving license: Rs. 5000

  2. Overloading: Rs. 2000

  3. Driving without insurance: Rs. 2000

  4. Disqualified person driving a vehicle: Rs. 10,000

  5. Driving when mentally or physically unfit:

  1. Violation of road regulations: Rs. 1000

  2. Driving a vehicle without registration: Rs. 2000

  3. Using a mobile phone while driving:

  1. Disobey of traffic signals:
  1. Parking in �No Parking Zone':
  1. Triple riding on two-vehicle: Rs. 1000

Challan Penalties in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh has unique regulations to maintain traffic discipline. It includes providing a driving license to another person or unnecessary honking of the horn. It is essential to be aware of these rules, which may involve stricter enforcement in certain areas or specific times of the day.

When you follow the traffic rules and regulations in Uttar Pradesh, you contribute to a safer driving environment and avoid unnecessary penalties. Let's explore the challan penalty rates for 22 traffic violation offenses imposed in Uttar Pradesh:

  1. Violating parking rules:

  2. For first-time offenders: Rs. 500

  3. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 1500

  4. Driving a vehicle registered in other states for more than 12 months:

  5. For first-time offenders: Rs. 500

  6. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 1500

  7. Provide a driving license to another person:

  8. For first-time offenders: Rs. 500

  9. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 1500

  10. Disobedience of any direction given by the authority: Rs. 2000

  11. Driving without a Driving License: Rs. 5000

  12. Unauthorized/disqualified person driving the vehicle: Rs. 10,000

  13. Use of mobile phone while driving:

  14. For first-time offenders: Rs. 1000

  15. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 10,000

  16. Racing/ trial of speed:

  17. For first-time offenders: Rs. 5000

  18. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 10,000

  19. Violation of prescribed standards for air /noise pollution:

  20. For first-time offenders: Rs. 5000

  21. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 10,000

  22. Driving without a safety belt: Rs. 1000

  23. Triple-riding a motorcycle: Rs. 1000

  24. Unnecessary honking of horns:

  25. For first-time offenders: Rs. 1000

  26. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 2000

  27. Unauthorized interference or temper with the vehicle without authorization: Rs. 1000

  28. Driving a vehicle without insurance:

  29. For first-time offenders: Rs. 2000

  30. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 4000

  31. Failure to allow free passage to emergency vehicles: Rs. 1000

  32. Driving without a valid fitness certificate:

  33. For first-time offenders: Rs. 5000

  34. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 10,000

  35. Violation of prescribed standards of air /noise pollution: Rs. 10,000

  36. Physically/mentally unfit person driving the vehicle:

  37. For first-time offenders: Rs. 1000

  38. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 2000

  39. Over-speeding: Rs. 2000

  40. Minor Driving the Vehicle: Rs. 5000

  41. Refusal to give information or give false information to the authorities: Rs. 2000

  42. Driving a vehicle without registration or with suspended or cancelled registration:

  43. For first-time offenders: Rs. 500

  44. For subsequent offenders: Rs. 1500


Knowing and paying a challan, or a fine issued by an authority for a violation, holds significant importance in maintaining a law-abiding society. Firstly, being aware of the challan ensures that individuals are informed about their legal responsibilities and non-compliance consequences.

It promotes a sense of accountability and encourages adherence to rules and regulations. Secondly, paying the challan demonstrates respect for the law and helps in upholding the principles of justice and fairness.

To conveniently check challan details and stay updated about traffic rules and regulations in your city, visit the Park+ website. It provides a user-friendly interface to access information about challans and is a reliable source to be well-informed on traffic-related matters. You can also download the Park+ app for a hassle-free driving experience.