Analyzing Challan Penalties in Arunachal Pradesh vs. Jharkhand

Approximately, 1.5 lakh people, on average, meet a fatalistic end on Indian roads.

Here's the thing: Most of these could be avoided by diligent following of road rules.

To keep these numbers at a minimum, the Govt. of India introduced challan fines to give its citizens a solid reason to obey the rules proposed in the Motor Vehicles Act of 2019.

Challan penalties vary across states.

So, if you're travelling from Arunachal Pradesh to Jharkhand, look to this face-off detailing discrepancies in fines between the two states to stay in compliance with the law.

Diving Into the Details: Analyzing Traffic Violation Penalties between Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand

If you are found violating the rules set in the Motor Vehicle Act (Amendment, 2019) to regulate traffic flow and improve driving conditions, you'll be liable to pay the penalty based on the offence committed. Here's a look into penalties that differ between the two states:

The law requires you to produce certain documents, such as a Registration Certificate (RC) of your vehicle, a Pollution Under Control certificate (PUCC), a Certificate of vehicle insurance, and a Driving license, to show you comply with traffic, road, and safety rules.

Typically, challan fines for not meeting these regulations are consistent across states, but there are some discrepancies in select offences in Aruncal Prashesh and Jharkhand.

These include:

Most people equate driving with freedom, but when you're on the road, there are some rules and regulations you must follow � at all costs � to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you, including pedestrians.

As a result, you must avoid indulging in activities that could take your focus off the road so you can make more informed decisions about driving.

Failure to do so will result in fines and even jail sentences in select scenarios, but because they vary across states, it can be difficult to know what to expect.

The good news is, most challan fines will be standardized across states, including Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand. However, expect to see differences in the following offences in the two states under the microscope:

Additionally, overtaking is one of the leading causes of road accidents. To discourage drivers from pursuing this dangerous driving habit that put everyone at risk, both states have set fine amounts. Here's the gist of it:

Other Fines You Can Expect

India is dead-set to improve noise levels in the country, keeping them at par with the ambient air quality standards required to maintain quality of life � for all inhabitants.

Keeping up with that, the government has introduced penalties for violating these rules, which can result in adverse health issues and damage agricultural produce.

Fine amounts vary between Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand.

You can expect to pay Rs. 1,000 for the first offence in Jharkhand, in contrast with Rs. 2,000 in Arunachal Pradesh. This can go up to Rs. 2,000 in Jharkhand and Rs. 5,000 in Arunachal Pradesh for subsequent violations.

In Conclusion:

Now that you're familiar with the differences in financial consequences of traffic violations in Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand, you may think you've got what it takes to manoeuvre the traffic like a pro.

However, there's the matter of paying your challan off.

Suppose you're only in Jharkhand for a week or two. How will you keep track of your challan payments when you're not even in the state? Park+ can help you with that.

Let Park+ Be Your Ally

Choose Park+ as your partner for checking challan, as countless drivers have before you, to ensure peace of mind. Download the Park+ app today to make handling this complex procedure a breeze, and check out the Park+ website to know more about how we can help make driving on Indian roads an enjoyable experience for you.