Why Andhra Pradesh Fuel Price Is High As Compared To Jammu And Kashmir


Curious about the considerable difference in fuel prices between Andhra Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir? As of May 19, 2023, petrol in Andhra Pradesh costs ?111.51 per litre, while in Jammu and Kashmir, it is priced at ?95.24 per litre�a substantial gap of ?16.27 can be seen.

This article delves into the contributing factors, such as taxes, transportation costs, demand, and infrastructure limitations, that account for the higher fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh.

Why Andhra Pradesh Fuel Price Is High As Compared To Jammu And Kashmir

Andhra Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir are two states in India that are located in the southern and northern parts of the country, respectively. However, there is a significant difference in the prices of fuel in the two states. As of May 19, 2023, the price of petrol in Andhra Pradesh is ?111.51 per litre, while the price of petrol in Jammu and Kashmir is ?95.24 per litre. This difference of ?16.27 per litre is significant and raises the question of why fuel prices are much higher in Andhra Pradesh.

Several factors contribute to the high fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh. These factors include:

These factors all contribute to the high fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh. The government of Andhra Pradesh has taken some steps to reduce the fuel tax, but these steps have not been enough to significantly reduce the price of fuel. As a result, consumers in Andhra Pradesh continue to pay more for fuel than consumers in other parts of India. Let us look at how these factors contribute to the varying fuel prices of the two states in detail:

1. Taxes

As mentioned above, one of the main reasons why fuel prices are higher in Andhra Pradesh is because the government of Andhra Pradesh imposes a higher tax on fuel.

The government of Andhra Pradesh collects a tax of ?30.93 per litre on petrol. This tax is in addition to the central excise duty and the cess that is imposed on petrol by the central government. The central excise duty and the cess on petrol are currently ?32.90 per litre and ?8 per litre respectively.

The high tax on fuel in Andhra Pradesh is a major burden on consumers. The high tax makes it more expensive for people to travel and to run their businesses and also contributes to inflation.

2. Transportation Costs

Another reason why fuel prices are higher in Andhra Pradesh is that the cost of transporting fuel to Andhra Pradesh is higher than the cost of transporting fuel to other parts of India. Andhra Pradesh is located further away from the major refineries in India. This means that it takes longer and costs more to transport fuel to Andhra Pradesh.

The high transportation costs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher fuel prices. This makes it more expensive for people in Andhra Pradesh to buy fuel.

3. Demand

The demand for fuel in Andhra Pradesh is also higher than the demand for fuel in other parts of India. This is because Andhra Pradesh is a more populous state and has a larger economy. The higher demand for fuel in Andhra Pradesh drives up the price of fuel.

The high demand for fuel in Andhra Pradesh is a result of the state's rapid economic growth. Andhra Pradesh has been one of the fastest-growing states in India in recent years. This growth has led to an increase in the number of vehicles on the road and an increase in the demand for fuel.

The high demand for fuel in Andhra Pradesh is a major challenge for the state government. The government is trying to increase the supply of fuel to the state, but it is difficult to keep up with the growing demand.

4. Infrastructure

The infrastructure for transporting fuel in Andhra Pradesh is not as developed as the infrastructure for transporting fuel in Jammu and Kashmir. This means that it takes longer and costs more to transport fuel to Andhra Pradesh.

The poor infrastructure for transporting fuel in Andhra Pradesh is a result of the state's lack of investment in the sector. The government of Andhra Pradesh has not invested enough in the development of roads, railways, and pipelines. This has made it difficult and expensive to transport fuel to the state.

As a result of these factors, fuel prices are higher in Andhra Pradesh than in Jammu and Kashmir.


In conclusion, higher fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh compared to Jammu and Kashmir are influenced by multiple factors. These include higher taxes, increased transportation costs, higher demand, and infrastructure limitations in Andhra Pradesh. Conversely, Jammu and Kashmir benefits from lower taxes, reduced transportation expenses, and closer proximity to refineries, resulting in lower fuel prices.

It is crucial to understand these factors and their impact on the state's economy. Stay informed about fuel prices and find convenient parking solutions by downloading the Park+ app today. Visit the Park+ website/app for more information.