Higher fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh or Odisha?

We know that the prices of all goods we use in our daily lives keep changing with the price of fuels. Thus, we understand the importance of fuels in our lives. But, this fuel doesn't cost the same in the entire country.

You'll be surprised that Andhra Pradesh pays more fuel prices than Odisha. Yes, both are a part of India, yet this disparity occurs. Why? Let's understand some basic factors behind the same.

Factors leading to increase in fuel prices in Andhra Pradesh

The fuel prices in different states vary because of taxes, government regulations, demographics, and other reasons. Let's quickly explore each of them in detail.

Taxes levied by the State

Apart from the Central government, each state can levy a state tax on fuel. Since Andhra Pradesh and Odisha are different states, the two state governments levy different taxes.

The government of Andhra Pradesh has levied more state taxes on fuel than Odisha. Thus, it increases the fuel price in Andhra Pradesh.


Since VAT (Value Added Tax) also applies to fuel, it's understood that the prices for the same will rise.

Compared to Odisha, Andhra Pradesh has higher VAT on petrol and diesel. Thus, it increases the fuel price in Andhra Pradesh.

Transportation costs

Of course, you need to transport fuel from one place to another. And so the transportation cost will also be a major factor when deciding the fuel cost.

Infrastructural differences

You can only transport fuel if you have a proper infrastructure set up.

Demand and Supply

We know the entire economy depends on two aspects: demand and supply. The same is for fuel.

Tough Competition

Of course, the market has multiple suppliers, so the competition is also intense.

Because of all these reasons, Andhra Pradesh has to spend more money on fuel than Odisha.


So far, we understood that only the production of fuel and transporting it across the country doesn't decide the fuel price. Other factors like geography, demographics, and government policies also contribute to the fluctuating fuel price.

To keep yourself updated with the fuel price change, download the Park+ app and never miss any important updates. Alternatively, to check fuel prices in your city you can visit our website.