Fuel Price Variation: Understanding Assam's Costlier Fuel Compared to Madhya Pradesh

Introduction :

Fuel prices play a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting everything from transportation costs to household budgets. You may have noticed that fuel prices vary between different states in India, with Assam often experiencing higher prices compared to Madhya Pradesh. Let us share with you the technical and policy-related factors that contribute to this price disparity.

Key Factors:

By understanding the underlying dynamics, tax structures, and state-specific policies, you will gain valuable insights into why Assam's fuel prices are higher than those in Madhya Pradesh. Here are some key factors affecting fuel prices in Assam and Madhya Pradesh.

Tax Structure and VAT Percentages:

State-Specific Policies:

Transportation Costs and Logistics:

Refinery Locations and Access to Crude Oil:


Understanding why Assam experiences higher fuel prices compared to Madhya Pradesh involves considering various factors, including tax structures, transportation costs, and state-specific policies. The higher VAT percentages, state-specific policies, transportation expenses, geographical challenges, and limited demand contribute to the price disparity. As a consumer, being aware of these factors and their impact on fuel prices in different states can help you make informed decisions.

To stay informed about fuel prices and manage your vehicle-related activities more efficiently, consider downloading the Park+ app. This user-friendly app provides real-time updates on fuel prices, seamless booking of parking spaces, and convenient payment options. Experience the convenience of the Park+ app and simplify your journey today