Fuel Price Per Km Calculation Made Easy: A Guide for Car Owners

Are you a car owner in India who wants to calculate your vehicle's fuel price per kilometre? Well, you've come to the right place. Understanding the fuel cost per kilometre is essential for managing your expenses and optimising your car's fuel efficiency. In this blog, we'll walk you through a simple guide on how to calculate the fuel price per km accurately. So, buckle up and let's get started!

Know Your Car's Mileage

Calculating your car's mileage is essential in determining the fuel price per kilometre. To begin with, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. Firstly, fill your car's fuel tank until it reaches its maximum capacity. Then, take note of the odometer reading or reset your trip meter to zero.

Next, drive your car until the fuel tank is nearly empty, ensuring that you cover a significant distance during this period. Aiming for an almost empty tank to obtain accurate results is important. Once you have completed this step, refill the tank to its brim once again, taking note of the amount of fuel consumed in litres.

Now, it's time to perform the calculation. Divide the distance travelled, as indicated by the odometer reading or trip meter, by the amount of fuel consumed during this period. This calculation will yield a numerical value representing your car's mileage in kilometres per litre (km/l).

By determining your car's mileage, you can better understand how efficiently it utilises fuel and calculate the cost per kilometre. This information is particularly useful when planning long trips, estimating fuel expenses, or comparing the fuel efficiency of different vehicles.

Calculate the Fuel Price Per Kilometre

Once you have determined your car's mileage in kilometres per litre (km/l), you can move on to calculating the fuel price per kilometre. This calculation allows you to estimate how much it costs you to drive a single kilometre in terms of fuel expenses.

To begin, you need to check the current fuel price in your city or state. This information can typically be found online or through various sources such as fuel station websites or mobile applications like the Park+ app. By accessing up-to-date fuel price information, you ensure accuracy in your calculation.

Once you have the current fuel price per litre, divide this value by your car's mileage in km/l. This calculation effectively converts the fuel price into a cost per kilometre travelled. The result will provide you with the amount of money you spend on fuel for each kilometre you drive.

Calculating the fuel price per kilometre can help manage your budget, determine the cost-effectiveness of different travel routes, or compare fuel efficiency among vehicles. It allows you to make informed decisions regarding fuel consumption and helps you plan and budget your journeys more effectively.

Consider Fuel Efficiency Tips

Implementing some simple tips can make a significant difference to optimise your fuel expenses and improve your overall fuel efficiency. First and foremost, maintaining proper tire pressure is crucial. Underinflated tires can increase rolling resistance and, consequently, fuel consumption. Regularly check your tire pressure and ensure it matches the recommended levels.

Another effective strategy is to drive smoothly. Aggressive acceleration, abrupt braking, and rapid speed changes can significantly impact fuel efficiency. By adopting a more gradual and consistent driving style, you can conserve fuel and reduce unnecessary consumption.

To improve fuel efficiency:

Incorporating these fuel efficiency tips into your driving habits can help you maximise your fuel economy, save money on fuel expenses, and contribute to a more sustainable approach to transportation.


Calculating the fuel price per kilometre for your car is essential in managing your expenses and making informed decisions about fuel consumption. By knowing your car's mileage and using the simple calculation method provided, you can estimate your fuel costs accurately. Remember, you can always stay up to date with the latest fuel prices in your area using the Park+ app. Download the app today and take control of your fuel expenses. Safe travels!