Are You Paying Too Much at the Pump?

As a car owner, you know how painful it is to watch fuel prices climb higher and higher. But did you know that it's not just the cost of crude oil that affects what you pay at the pump? Petrol taxes also play a significant role in the final price tag.

And here's the crazy part: these taxes can differ from state to state! That means you could be spending more for the same amount of petrol just because of where you live. Talk about highway robbery!

Let's uncover which state is the real gas guzzler when it comes to petrol taxes.

Understanding Petrol Taxes and Price Variations

Petrol taxes are additional charges imposed by the government on the sale of petrol. These taxes are usually calculated as a percentage of the petrol price, and they vary from state to state due to differing VAT rates. VAT stands for Value Added Tax and is a type of consumption tax.

However, petrol prices aren't solely determined by petrol taxes. Other factors, such as transportation costs, dealer commissions, and excise duties, can also impact the final price of petrol. As a result, you may find petrol prices varying between different cities and even within the same city.

Analysis of Petrol Tax Rates Across Indian States

According to recent statistics, the state of Manipur has the highest petrol tax rate in India, which is currently at 36.5%. This means that for every Rs. 100 spent on petrol, Rs. 36.5 goes towards taxes.

Now, you might be wondering how this compares to other states and the national average. Well, the national average for petrol tax is around 32%. In comparison, states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have lower petrol tax rates, around 27%. While some states like Rajasthan and Maharashtra have similar rates at 36%.

High petrol taxes can have a significant impact on the economy. With petrol prices constantly increasing due to taxes, you may have to spend more money on petrol. This can affect your monthly budgets. Additionally, high petrol taxes can lead to inflation as transportation costs increase. This will ultimately lead to higher prices for goods and services

Saving Money on Fuel Expenses

As a car owner, fuel expenses can add up quickly and put a strain on your monthly budget. However, there are several ways to reduce your fuel expenses and save money. Here are some tips:

It's essential to be aware of the petrol taxes in your state and how they can affect your budget and expenses.

Petrol taxes can have a significant impact on your monthly budget. Every time you fill up your tank, a considerable portion of the cost goes toward taxes. If you don't know how much you're paying in taxes, it can be challenging to plan your fuel expenses and save money. That's why it's crucial to know the petrol tax rates in your state.

But don't worry - you don't have to do all the research on your own. Park+ app can help you easily find reliable fuel price information in your city. With the app's real-time parking visibility feature, you can quickly locate petrol stations and see the current fuel prices. Moreover, the app can also help you calculate the cost of your trip based on your fuel consumption, making it easier for you to plan your budget.


Being aware of petrol taxes in your state is crucial as it directly impacts your monthly budget and expenses as a car owner. As we discussed, Manipur currently has the highest petrol tax rate in India at 36.5%, while some states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have lower rates at 27%.

Knowing about petrol taxes can help you plan your fuel expenses and save money. Additionally, exploring alternative options such as carpooling, public transportation, or using electric or hybrid vehicles can also help save on fuel expenses.

To stay informed about fuel prices in your city, we highly recommend downloading the Park+ app. With real-time fuel prices and other helpful car services, the app can help you make informed decisions about your travel expenses. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try, and start saving today!