Maintenance Tips for Long-Lasting Boom Barriers & Barrier Gates

Boom Barriers, an integral part of security and traffic management systems, consist of a horizontal bar or pole for passage regulation. These systems serve diverse sectors, providing access control and security checkpoints in commercial, residential, industrial, and public spaces. Evolving from manual to automated operations, boom barriers discreetly revolutionize vehicular access and traffic management. As they play a crucial role in controlling entry and exit, safeguarding properties, parking lots, and sensitive areas, it is important to ensure they are sound and working properly. Here's the comprehensive guide you need, to maintain the boom barriers for a long duration.

Importance of Maintenance for Long-Lasting Boom Barriers & Barrier Gates

To ensure prolonged lifespan of boom barriers and barrier gates, it is important to ensure regular maintenance. In the case of boom barrier gates, effective maintenance practices help to prevent premature failure and cost effectiveness.

  1. Prolonged Lifespan: Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of boom barriers and barrier gates. Boom Barrier gates become brittle over time when exposed to direct sunlight or diverse weather conditions.

  2. Reliability: Any boom barrier arm, be it manually operated or automated, is a crucial component when it comes to vehicle and pedestrian control in spaces. Scheduled maintenance helps identify and address issues before they escalate.

  3. Cost Savings: Since the day of installation, right maintenance practices can ensure the good health of these security devices. Some material options such as plastic ones are also available, which ensures less wear and tear.

Maintenance Tips for Boom Barriers

Be it Manual straight arm or an automatic boom barrier system, proper lubrication and systematic practices ensure optimal working. This ensures lesser maintenance costs in the long run.

  1. Regular Inspections: It is important to both install and maintain your straight arm barrier at various places of interest. Routine visual inspections and an annual maintenance drive ensures identification and fixing of potential issues early on.

  2. Lubrication: Proper lubrication of moving parts is crucial for smooth operation. Lubricate hinges, pivot points, and any moving components according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This helps reduce friction, wear, and noise, ensuring optimal functionality. This is highly relevant in case of toll booths, where high opening speeds are crucial, which is maintained due to lubricants.

  3. Cleaning: Keep the barrier system clean from dirt, debris, and other contaminants. Regularly cleaning not only contributes to the aesthetics, but also proves to be a vital procedure for long-term smooth operation.

  4. Testing and Calibration: Perform regular testing and calibration of the barrier system. Be it gated communities or other spaces it is important to check the functionality of photocells and sensors, according to the manufacturers guidelines.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in case of Boom Barriers or Boom Gates

While installing any type of boom barrier, it is important that the security and safety team, along with the maintenance department are given the right training to tackle common issues.

  1. Slow Operation: If the boom barrier is operating slowly, check for obstructions, worn-out gears, or insufficient lubrication. Adjust the speed settings if necessary and replace any damaged components.

  2. Inconsistent Movement: Inconsistent movement may be caused by misalignments, damaged tracks, or issues with the control unit of the fence barrier gate. Inspect and realign the barrier, repair damaged tracks, and troubleshoot the control unit as needed.

  3. Electrical Problems: Electrical issues can range from faulty wiring to damaged control boards. Regularly inspect the electrical components, tighten loose connections, and replace any damaged wiring or electronic parts.

  4. Technological and Technical Issues: Automated boom barriers need RFID tag verification in many cases to open automatically. Issues with sensors can cause the folding arm to misbehave. In such cases it is important to call the service center as soon as possible.

Safety Considerations in regards to Barrier Gates

Be it residential complexes, or commercial spaces, boom barriers are used to secure their premises. To ensure longer life of these crucial components of the security systems, comprehensive training and establishment of clear emergency protocols such as use of radio controls or turning off loop detectors, is a must. This enhances the overall effectiveness of the system as well.

  1. Safety Devices: Barrier systems are equipped with safety features such as photocells and safety edges. Regularly test these devices to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace any damaged or malfunctioning safety components promptly.

  2. User Training: Ensure that personnel responsible for operating or maintaining the barrier system are adequately trained. Proper training reduces the risk of mishandling, which can lead to damage or accidents.

  3. Emergency Protocols: Establishing clear emergency protocols, for the case of a barrier malfunction, is crucial. Users should know how to manually operate the barrier or safely secure the area in the event of a system failure.

    Also Read: How Boom Barriers Enhances Security and Manages Traffic?


In conclusion, the longevity of boom barriers and barrier gates is pivotal for effective vehicle management, especially in residential areas and parking management scenarios. The choice of a suitable boom arm, such as the six-meter length or the fence arm, plays a key role in controlling the flow of vehicle movement. Employing key components like the anti-collision feature, solar power compatibility, and battery backup ensures uninterrupted operation, while features such as WhatsApp alerts and flashing safety lights enhance overall safety.

Whether used in parking or residential areas, the 5-sec control mechanism and the preference for unidirectional movement contribute to efficient and secure barrier systems. In essence, a well-maintained barrier system, equipped with these features, not only ensures reliable functionality but also provides peace of mind for operators and users alike. Check out Park+’s tailored solutions for parking management for Businesses.